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Finding the Right Balance between Relaxation and Pursuing Goals Thumbnail

Finding the Right Balance between Relaxation and Pursuing Goals

By Sarah Carlson, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®

Finding the right balance between relaxation and pursuing goals can be challenging, especially when life gets busy. Striking a balance allows us to stay focused on our ambitions while also taking time for ourselves. 

It is essential to develop this equilibrium, as it can help us remain motivated while still making sure our physical, emotional and mental needs are met. Here are some helpful tips for finding the right balance between relaxation and pursuing goals.

There's value with relaxation and pursuing goals

1. Recognize the Value of Relaxation and Pursuing Goals 

It's easy to get swept up in the pursuit of achieving our goals and often forget to take some time for ourselves. However, this balance between relaxation and striving is vitally important to a fuller, healthier life. 

Relaxation can provide us with a needed break which can then help us refocus on our goals afterwards, allowing us to work smarter and more efficiently towards them. This balance of restorative activities that enable the mind and body to relax while also striving towards meaningful goals gives our lives meaning and balance, helping us lead more fulfilling lives all-around. 

So it pays to remember that balance is key in recognizing the value of both relaxation and pursuing your goals!

Priorities are important for relaxation and pursuing goals

2. Identify Your Priorities to Achieve Balance 

Setting priorities in life is a great way to achieve balance between work, family, and leisure. Knowing what you need and want from life can help you focus on the goals that are most important to you. 

Establishing a balance between your material needs and emotional well-being is key in order to be successful in all aspects of life. Listing out your priorities, understanding their importance, and taking action with them can get you on the road to balance. 

Being intentional about making balance a priority helps ensure that your goals are met without sacrificing activity or energy in one area for another. Identifying your priorities can help create harmony in all aspects of your life, leaving you feeling fulfilled and successful.

Setting boundaries will help with relaxation and pursuing goals

3. Set Boundaries to Help You Find the Right Balance 

Everyone's ambition can get away with them and lead to unbalanced lifestyles that don't always serve our best interests. Finding balance starts with defining proper boundaries for yourself, both mentally and physically. 

Establishing achievable goals allows us to prioritize our most important values instead of getting lost in the race of success without a clear end-goal in sight. When we set up these boundaries, we grant ourselves permission to truly balance our lives without feeling guilty about taking a break from the pursuit of perfection or greatness. 

With balance comes the satisfaction of knowing that no matter how ambitious we are, all parts of our lives will remain intact and receive their due attention.

Don't forget about self-care for relaxation and pursuing goals

4. Make Time for Self-Care Activities That Help You Recharge and Refocus on Your Goals

With life being so hectic and our days filled with action, it's important to find balance. One way to balance your life is by taking some time for yourself every now and then. 

Setting aside time for activities that help you recharge and refocus on your goals can go a long way towards maintaining balance in your life. Whether it's going for a walk, painting, or practicing yoga, finding activities that relax and revitalize you can help make all the difference. 

Taking some time to decompress will give you the energy needed to work on the goals that are most important to you.


Finding the right balance between relaxation and pursuing goals is essential to living a healthy, fulfilling life. It can be difficult to know when it's time to rest and when it's time to push forward with your ambitions. 

Too much of either can lead to burnout or frustration. As a team of Spokane Financial advisors, we recognize the importance of finding harmony in our lives. With this balance comes focus and clarity which will help propel you towards success in all areas of life.

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