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The Melinda Gates Effect Empowering Women in Philanthropy Thumbnail

The Melinda Gates Effect Empowering Women in Philanthropy

By Sarah Carlson, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®

As far as social change agents go, few have merged philanthropy with administrative acumen and television-around-the-world appeal as strongly and effortlessly as Melinda Gates. A social change agent for women and girls and a problem-solver for burning issues, Gates’s empowering and iconic presence in philanthropy suggests there’s a new phenomenon on the philanthropic horizon: like the proverbial rising tide, Gates’s ‘effect’ should lift all boats.

A Vision for Empowerment

Melinda Gates’s path into philanthropy started as Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest private philanthropic foundation in the world. While the foundation initially worked on global health and development issues more broadly, Melinda quickly saw the additional hurdles that women and girls face.

Enabling women is both a moral and strategic imperative – it leads to healthier families and stronger communities. Empowering women makes sense from a pure investment point of view. Empowered women are more likely to have healthy children and be part of the formal economy than uneducated women.

Strategic Philanthropy

The main feature of the way in which Melinda Gates pursues her philanthropy is her focus on strategic giving in areas that can have the most impact. Specific areas of her work include:

  • Family Planning and Reproductive Health: Autonomy also means giving women access to birth control, making it possible for them to plan and control family size. Through its family-planning programs, the Gates Foundation has equipped millions of women in the developing world with the power to chart their reproductive destinies.
  •  Education and Economic Empowerment: Education is a means of escaping poverty, and Melinda Gates has championed many efforts to help girls improve their educational opportunities. She also seeks to help women with entrepreneurship and access to money.
  • Advocacy and Policy Change: Systemic change is called for. As well as giving out microloans to specific women, Gates works to influence policy to make the world less unequal for women, by working with a diverse range of governments and non-governmental organizations.

The Ripple Effect

Melinda Gates's impact reverberates beyond those directly helped by her gifts. By concentrating on women and girls, her work helps whole communities. The Melinda Gates Effect has many different applications. Here are some ways in which it has been demonstrated:

Healthier Families

Women can space their pregnancies, ensuring each child has the best chance of survival and ensuring the health of their own family.

Economic Growth

Women who are economically empowered, in turn, participate more fully in the economic life of their communities and countries. They reinvest more of their income back into their families and communities than men, which contributes to greater economic growth and development.

Educational Attainment

Well-educated women are more likely to invest in the human capital of their children, the first step in a virtuous cycle of education and opportunity often spanning several generations. Developing countries in particular benefit from an initial surge in investments in human capital.

Inspiring a New Generation of Philanthropists

Even more than the direct effect of her work, the Melinda Gates Effect is the ripples of her inspiring others to take action. She shows how any individual can pursue their passion and connect it through strategy and intellect to one of the great causes of our time: social justice. And she’s shown how we can all become more effective philanthropists by thinking ‘scaled’ and focusing on doing the most good with whatever resources are available.

Melinda Gates’s story has inspired a new cohort of philanthropists – particularly women – to take up the cause, use their wealth and influence to foster change, and to focus in particular on issues such as gender equality and the empowerment of women.

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