Your Ticking Clock: 6 Important Lessons on the Value of Time
We all know the value of money–after all, it quite literally makes the world go round. Money has the power to intoxicate us and make us lust for just a little bit more. No matter how much we make, for some, it never seems like enough. The power of money lies behind a sense of control; since the dawn of man, entire countries have gone to war over money. People kill for it or even do things that they regret in desperation for it.
So why do we spend so much energy worried about an asset that can be replenished over and over again? Even if you believe money is the most important thing, time is actually your most valuable asset. You can always make more money, but you cannot make more time. Believe it or not, appreciating and focusing on the moments you create every day is one of the easiest ways to become wealthy, inside and out.
Our time on this earth is made up of a series of moments. Even if you are the richest man on earth, you cannot buy some of the most valuable moments such as:
- A smile
- The love of another
- An enduring sunset
- A baby's laughter
Most of what we consider the most precious in our lives has absolutely nothing to do with money.
One reason why I choose to focus on time and not money is because I once was put in a position where I thought my time had come to an end.
In 2003, I was hit by a negligent driver in an SUV while crossing the street. When I came to, the doctors told me my pelvis had been shattered, many of my joints mangled, and that I had sustained severe damage to my knees and shoulders. Although I was lucky to have survived, doctors told me how I would most likely never be able to walk on my own again. As an athlete, fiercely involved mother, and independent woman, it was one of the hardest but most humbling lessons my life has given me. I was disabled for three years. Three years of being reliant on others, during which I had seven surgeries to rebuild my body–all while being a mother to my two sets of young twins.
Slowly, over the course of many years, I began the process of healing my body and mind. I learned to walk again, and was eventually able to rebuild the fitness that my accident had taken from me. At a very young age, I brushed with real, unapologetic death … and I learned firsthand how special time is, and how to make the best out of the time we have been given.
No matter how many years you are destined to be on this planet, life is too short.
Life Lessons on Time
- You choose how you spend your time. If you don't like how you spend your time, change it.
- You choose what you want to focus on. Find what lights your inner fire and chase it.
- You choose if you are going to make it happen or you are going to let it happen. Any setback has an opportunity hidden inside.
- You hold the key to your happiness in your own pocket. Don't give someone else control of that key.
- Be conscious of staying in the moment. You can't fix yesterday, but you can influence tomorrow. Give yourself and those who love you the gift of focusing on them and being in the moment.
- Learn to create balance. It is okay not to be busy all the time. You don't have to be exhausted and overworked to be worthy of respect. In a society that puts our value in our ability to work, it's important to remember that our worth does not equal our productivity. My grandfather, Dodo, always told me that our days are perfectly structured with 24 hours: 8 hours of work, 8 hours of play, and 8 hours of rest. You know, he was right.
I always like to remind my clients that no matter how much money they have, they can't take it with them when they die. Money may be important, but not the most important thing that we can control. Our priceless time, already too short, can be spent in a way that makes you wealthy both inside and out.
How will you choose to spend your most precious resource today?
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