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The Importance of Retirement Planning for the LGBTQ+ Community Thumbnail

The Importance of Retirement Planning for the LGBTQ+ Community

Even though same-sex marriage has been legal throughout the U.S. for nearly a decade, members of the LGBTQ+ community still have some specific factors to consider when planning for their financial future. Some may still face discrimination in the workplace or when looking for housing—and sometimes, even from their own families...

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Financial Planning for Working Moms Thumbnail

Financial Planning for Working Moms

Historically, working mothers have had even higher ambitions in the workforce than working women in general. This ambition may drive them to excel in budgeting and financial matters that can help them manage their family's finances. What should working moms know about financial planning, and what steps can they take to help their family work towards a confident financial future? Here are five financial planning tips for working moms.

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Balancing Work and Family  Thumbnail

Balancing Work and Family

Achieving a balance between work and family is a highly personal endeavor. There is no magic formula, and what works for one family may not work for another. It takes planning and resolve, and you'll need to make choices along the way that align with what's important to you. As you think about your own plan to balance work and family, here are some things you might consider.

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Mother Knows Best: 6 Small Business Lessons We Learned From Our Moms   Thumbnail

Mother Knows Best: 6 Small Business Lessons We Learned From Our Moms

Mothers are our teachers, starting from the time we are born and lasting throughout our lives. They have a role in teaching us how to be good people, take care of ourselves, and even be a success in the business world. Many small business owners are able to take the lessons they learned from their mothers and translate them into how they run their careers and business.

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Your Planning Process, Tips for Remarrying, and Allocating Your Assets Thumbnail

Your Planning Process, Tips for Remarrying, and Allocating Your Assets

Traditionally, women have been the caretakers of both the older and younger generations of their families. But who will help you when you require assistance? Even though younger family members may be more than willing to help, the costs of health care often exceed the amount of disposable income available to the average family. Perhaps, women and their family members need to look toward the future and start their personal planning process.

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Divorce and Social Security Thumbnail

Divorce and Social Security

After a divorce, you can claim retirement benefits based on your own earnings record (if you have been employed and have accumulated enough credits over the years), or you can claim benefits based on your ex-spouse's earnings record (whether or not you ever worked), provided that certain requirements are met.

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Financial Moves to Make When Suddenly Single  Thumbnail

Financial Moves to Make When Suddenly Single

Most of us cannot imagine the sudden loss of our spouse. Yet, difficult as it may seem to accept, U.S. Census data indicates that the overwhelming majority of married women will be on their own for a significant number of their later years.

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The Principles of Financial Literacy Thumbnail

The Principles of Financial Literacy

Financial literacy refers to the skills and knowledge that allow an individual to make informed and effective decisions through their understanding of finances. Financial literacy starts by building a basic understanding of 'money matters' to create a sense of economic well-being, self-trust, and financial confidence.

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Money Habits of the Average American Thumbnail

Money Habits of the Average American

What have you learned about anything financial lately? Do most of your neighbors keep a household budget or save for retirement? Does your cousin live hand-to-mouth? Do you understand compound interest? Or know what the Dow Jones Industrial Average is? Is gold worth its own weight?

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