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For Industry Insight and Fresh Life Perspective

Every Breath You Take: Advice to My Former Self Thumbnail

Every Breath You Take: Advice to My Former Self

My daughter, Sue, is starting her career in Chicago and recently asked me for advice I would give my younger self at her age. Since I was 22, so much has changed, but more is still the same. The internet gives us information on demand, but so much of it is advertising and not relevant. Drinking from the information firehose can be challenging.

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4 Thanksgiving Lessons for a Feast-Worthy Financial Plan  Thumbnail

4 Thanksgiving Lessons for a Feast-Worthy Financial Plan

Thanksgiving is a holiday for spending time with loved ones, being grateful, and perhaps enjoying a bit of overindulgence. There are many financial lessons to be had in planning, preparing, and celebrating this annual feast.1 Here are four Thanksgiving lessons that might help your household's financial plan year-round.

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Women and Philanthropy: A Guide to Giving Thumbnail

Women and Philanthropy: A Guide to Giving

Women have been givers since ancient times. They often give with their heart and soul to support projects that improve society. In our modern times, successful women are now finding themselves in positions that allow them to become effective and influential philanthropists.

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The Challenges Facing Women Entrepreneurs Thumbnail

The Challenges Facing Women Entrepreneurs

While the future seems brighter than ever for women entrepreneurs, a myriad of financial challenges continue to cast shadows over their journey. The increasing presence and contributions of women-owned businesses to the American economy are undeniable.

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A Fall Financial Checklist Thumbnail

A Fall Financial Checklist

For many, autumn is the best time of year. The return of cool breezes, comforting foods, and pumpkins can be invigorating. It’s also a bookmark of sorts, especially for your finances—a perfect time to take stock of your spending after the summer’s over to see what lies ahead.

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Estate Planning: Don't Just Set It and Forget It Thumbnail

Estate Planning: Don't Just Set It and Forget It

Estate planning is critical for efficiently transferring your money, property, and assets to your beneficiaries after you die. The reason people choose an estate plan is that it avoids probate. The reason people choose an estate plan is that it avoids probate.

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4 Unique Opportunities for Women Business Owners Thumbnail

4 Unique Opportunities for Women Business Owners

The National Women's Business Council estimates that there are more than 13 million women-owned businesses in the U.S., generating nearly $2 trillion in annual revenue.1 To aid in these impressive efforts, many governmental and private organizations have committed to improving the resources and aid available to women-owned businesses.

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Financial Fire Drill Thumbnail

Financial Fire Drill

Here in the Inland Northwest, we are recovering from our fire season. Many community members were displaced, and some lost their homes in the Gray Fire. What would your life be like if you were one of those victims? Do you have much of your net worth tied up in your home value? Would you be financially made whole if you suddenly were a fire victim?

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